Volunteering with IMCC

Working together as a community builds heartfelt connections. Volunteering is a fulfilling way to extend loving kindness to our sangha members, our community, and our world. Whether you're new to IMCC or a longtime member, we need your help. If you feel you've benefited from our programs, we invite you to put your spiritual practice into action by volunteering your efforts. 

Below are some ways you can volunteer. If you have a special skill or area of expertise that you think can benefit the sangha, we invite you to contact Barbara Maille, Volunteer Committee Chair. 

Tuesday Sangha Meeting Set-Up

We always need help at our Tuesday night meetings, which start at 7:00pm and end at 8:30pm.

Arrive around 6:30pm to set up and welcome people and stay a few minutes late to clean up. Tasks include:
  • Set up/take down welcome table & cookie table
  • Set up/take down teacher seat & table
  • Warmly welcome first time attendees

These simple tasks are a critical part of holding this weekly sangha meeting.

If you'd like to help with set-up and greeting, sign up here

If you'd like to bring cookies to our Tuesday night gatherings, sign up here.

Care Committee

The intention of the Care Committee is to extend compassion and generosity to IMCC members including those facing difficult personal situations. We practice care and compassion in many different ways. It looks like bringing flowers and sitting with someone grieving the death of a loved one, starting a meal train when someone falls ill, driving someone to their doctors appointment, and more.

Caring for community members in times of need provides an opportunity both for those providing and receiving care, deepening our understanding of key teachings and practices.  

If you know of anyone in the IMCC sangha in need of care, please contact opsdirector@imeditation.org.

If you are in a position to provide assistance, please contact opsdirector@imeditation.org. 

Board of Directors

IMCC's Board of Directors meets every other month to determine policies, procedures and regulations, provide fiscal oversight, assist in raising funds to finance the organization, provide leadership and assume leadership roles, and monitor organizational performance. The board fills vacancies by identifying sangha members who have participated actively in the community as volunteers or teachers and have special skills that will enhance the Board's mission. All members are eligible for a position on the board.

If you would like to be considered, contact the Operations Director.

"I walk for you, you breathe for me, we awaken together."
           —Thich Nhat Hanh
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