Hearing, Ethics and Reconciliation Council (HEAR)

Current HEAR Council Members: Helen Farrar, Phyllis Savides, Anna Vanhoy, and Peter Fremgen.

Email IMCC.EAR@gmail.com if you wish to convey a confidential comment, question, or concern and someone on the HEAR Council will get in touch with you.

The Hearing, Ethics, and Reconciliation Committee (HEAR) is a standing Committee of the Board of the Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville (IMCC). We envision an equitable and genuinely inclusive sangha shaped by the active input of its members. In service of this vision, our mission is to collectively hear and respond with care to diverse community voices expressing creative ideas and joyful appreciation, as well as conflict and challenge. In approaching this mission, we recognize the importance of proactively creating open spaces for active listening, as well as providing confidential spaces for mediating conflict. In facilitating both functions, we commit to practicing Buddhist ethics. Our aim is that all members feel they are active and empowered participants in guiding how relational Dharma unfolds in our ever-changing community. 

IMCC representatives who are widely respected for their maturity, integrity and lived practice will be nominated by IMCC's Board, Committees of the Board, and the Guiding Teachers' Council, and approved by a vote of the Board. HEAR will elect its own co-chairs from among its members. HEAR will meet on an as-needed basis, or when requested to do so by the IMCC Board chair. It also will be available to meet on an emergency basis. HEAR will hold space for and address, as needed, five sets of circumstances: Hearing Sessions; Ordinary Concerns; Formal Grievance Process; Security and Safety; and Ethical Conduct of Teachers.

The HEAR Council is here to provide confidential consultation to any individual or group who have feedback, suggestions, conflict or ethical concerns within the IMCC community, and may function as a simple sounding board, as facilitators for deeper personal or community-wide reflection, or as a source of guidance in how best to resolve a given conflict. In these instances, HEAR Council members are available to be facilitators, mediators or witnesses for discussion between parties in conflict, and among groups and the wider Sangha. 

Email IMCC.EAR@gmail.com if you wish to convey a confidential comment, question, or concern and someone in the HEAR Council will get in touch with you.

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