Creating Change With An Open Heart with Caverly Morgan

  • 01 May 2018
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • JABA

Creating Change With An Open Heart

Caverly Morgan, Guest Teacher

Guided Meditation: Dharma Talk:

During our current times of societal and global unrest, what does it mean to hold the non-dual perspective that there is nothing wrong? How do we access such an experience without ignoring the reality of what’s in front of us? If there is nothing wrong, how can change occur?

Join Caverly Morgan, Portland, Oregon based meditation teacher, for an evening of practice and exploration around the question: “how will my love manifest in the world?”

IMCC is pleased to welcome guest teacher, Caverly Morgan. She is the Founder and Guiding Teacher of Peace in Schools and Presence Collective. She trained for eight years in a silent monastery and now teaches meditation through retreats, workshops, and online courses nationally and internationally. Peace in Schools has created the first, for credit mindfulness class for public High Schools and also offers mindfulness trainings for adults.

Jefferson Area Board for Aging (JABA)
674 Hillsdale Drive
Charlottesville, VA

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