We offer virtual meditations Sunday thru Friday via Zoom at 12 noon ET. Usually, but not always, a meditation leader facilitates the session. When a facilitator is not present, the Zoom space is open for all to sit in silent practice together as a sangha.n
Join the Zoom meeting using the information below:
Monday February 3 Lynda Fanning
Tuesday February 4
Wednesday February 5
Thursday February 6 Barbara Martin
Friday February 7
Sunday February 9
Monday February 10
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83604719552?pwd=kXPMK1M5rRVJJYp0mUnp6ets2jUaQo.1
Meeting ID: 836 0471 9552 Passcode: 790332 --- Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbtGZoE879
Click here to read detailed instructions on using zoom.