Befriending the Hindrances
Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk
with Marylouise Kelley
When we settle into our meditation practice we can become more aware of the common hindrances to mindfulness, commonly known as the Five Hindrances. Rather than struggle with these distractions, it can be helpful to become familiar with the hindrances, understand how they arise, and how we can more skillfully work with them. In this evening’s offering we will explore befriending the hindrances, and the roots of this teaching in the Satipatthana Suttta, the Buddha’s foundational teaching on the foundations of mindfulness.
Bikkhu Analayo – Sattipatthana Meditation: A Practice Guide
Bikkhu Analayo, Guided Satipatthana Meditations
Practicing with the Five Hindrances (2004) Amaro, Tricycle Magazine