"But what about….."
"Bikkhus, dwell with yourselves as an island, with yourselves as a refuge, with no other refuge; with the Dhamma as an island, with the Damma as a refuge, with no other refuge."
Tonight's talk will address a few of the questions you have asked about the cultivation of happiness. We'll begin by noting that your very asking of questions is, in itself, skillful means. The Buddha invites us to contemplate and question only and always: ‘From what are sorrow, lamentation, pain, displeasure, and despair born? How are they produced?’ and, by analogy, from what is happiness born? We will explore together how to apply this inquiry to the questions you ask about happiness in the many circumstances of our individual and modern lives.
In-person participants:
A parking lot is located on the north side of Edgewood Lane. Enter the building through the side entrance, also on Edgewood Lane, across from parking lot.
We will be livestreaming to Zoom for those who want to join virtually:
To join by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/380465452?pwd=SjdqQUh0aW4xQzJMTG9pOUJHTnl2dz09 Meeting ID: 380 465 452 Password: 041087 Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 +1 301 715 8592
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