We are meeting in person at 717 Rugby Rd in the Unitarian Universalist sanctuary and on Zoom.
The ‘Me’ Who Appears to Be Living My Life
Many of us intend to ‘be here now’, to remember what’s true, to ‘remain undisturbed in the midst of all change, whether the days are good or bad.’
How can we see that personality is nothing other than a projection?
How might we attune ourselves with stillness and not with what we are not?
This talk looks at how we might see a way to live in harmony with ourselves and in our community.
To join by zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/380465452?pwd=SjdqQUh0aW4xQzJMTG9pOUJHTnl2dz09 Meeting ID: 380 465 452 Password: 041087 Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 +1 301 715 8592