We are meeting in person at 717 Rugby Rd in the Unitarian Universalist sanctuary and on Zoom.
The Power of Heartfelt Inquiry
Learning how to ask wise questions can be a powerful way to cultivate a skillful meditation practice. Questions can help us tap into our motivations for practice, investigate our experience and beliefs, and open to new possibilities. Perhaps you have a favorite contemplative question that you drop into practice? Please consider sharing. The evening will include a guided meditation, Dharma talk, and discussion about inquiry as a source of wisdom and self-understanding.
“The ultimate value of inquiry within Buddhist practices lies with strengthening our trust, equanimity, and capacity to remain open in all circumstances. And when meditative equanimity is mature, a simple question, an opening to unknown possibilities, can sometimes release the last threads that tie us to the conditioned world, moving us toward greater freedom.” Gil Fronsdal
To join by zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/380465452?pwd=SjdqQUh0aW4xQzJMTG9pOUJHTnl2dz09 Meeting ID: 380 465 452 Password: 041087 Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 +1 301 715 8592